A Virtual Prayer Vigil - A Moment Each Day @ Noon Through July 13 - #WeAreOrlando

Spirit of Love:
In You, we find the strength to be fully present in this moment.
We find the wisdom to release struggling with “Why?“ and ask instead, “What do I do Now?”
We release judgement and embrace peace.
We forgive by giving love for hatred.
We invite Infinite Wisdom to shine through our thoughts, words and actions.
We embrace an ever expanding experience and expression of Oneness.
We turn our attention to the society we are consciously co-creating.
Together, we imagine a world where diversity is honored and celebrated.
We imagine the peace that passes understanding enveloping us all.
We imagine people of every faith, color, orientation, gender. identity, nationality and political orientation united in hope and effort for the common good.
We imagine happy, joyful opportunities for fellowship with all of our neighbors.
We believe that we make a difference and that united we can change the world.
We plant seeds of compassion and acceptance expecting them to grow.
We believe that global transformation begins with us, here and now.
We are willing to grow, learn, teach, share and be the change we want to experience.
Thank You.
So it is!
~ Ric Beattie
In You, we find the strength to be fully present in this moment.
We find the wisdom to release struggling with “Why?“ and ask instead, “What do I do Now?”
We release judgement and embrace peace.
We forgive by giving love for hatred.
We invite Infinite Wisdom to shine through our thoughts, words and actions.
We embrace an ever expanding experience and expression of Oneness.
We turn our attention to the society we are consciously co-creating.
Together, we imagine a world where diversity is honored and celebrated.
We imagine the peace that passes understanding enveloping us all.
We imagine people of every faith, color, orientation, gender. identity, nationality and political orientation united in hope and effort for the common good.
We imagine happy, joyful opportunities for fellowship with all of our neighbors.
We believe that we make a difference and that united we can change the world.
We plant seeds of compassion and acceptance expecting them to grow.
We believe that global transformation begins with us, here and now.
We are willing to grow, learn, teach, share and be the change we want to experience.
Thank You.
So it is!
~ Ric Beattie